Cody Bunch Some Random IT Guy - OpenStack, DevOps, Cloud, Things

ZeroVM Link Dump

Instead of curating my own links this time, my friend and colleague Carina C. Zona, ZeroVM’s community manager has gathered these as they relate to ZeroVM:

Posts by Lars

“ZeroVM Architecture and ZVM Runtime (ZRT)”

Ryan McKinney at University of Texas San Antonio Cloud & Big Data Laboratory [2014-08-05]

“Changing the World with ZeroVM and Swift”

Jakub Krajcovic at PyConAU OpenStack Miniconf [2014-08-01]

“Deep Dive into ZeroVM”

Van Lindberg at OSCON Expo [2014-07-23]

  • (materials unavailable)

“What Is ZeroVM?”

Carina C. Zona at OSCON Expo [2014-07-22]

“ZeroVM: Virtualization for the Cloud”

Lars Butler at EuroPython [2014-07-21]

“Introduction to ZeroVM”

Muharem Jrnjadovic at Open Cloud Day [2014-07]

“NoSQL - Computable Object Store with OpenStack Swift and ZeroVM”

(aka “Programmable Object Store with OpenStack Swift and ZeroVM”) Adrian Otto at BigDataCamp [2014-06-14]

“Using ZeroVM and Swift to Build a Compute Enabled Storage Platform”

Blake Yeager & Camuel Gilydov at OpenStack Summit [2014-05-14]

“Using ZeroVM and Swift to Build a Compute Enabled Storage Platform”

Blake Yeager at Open BigCloud Symposium [2014-05-08]

  • (materials unavailable)

“ZeroVM Background”

Prosunjit Biswas at University of Texas at San Antionio [UTSA] Institute of Cyber Security [2014-04-23]

“Process Virtualization with ZeroVM”

Jakub Krajcovi at [2014-02-26]

##”ZeroVM Zwift: OpenStack Platform” Camuel Gilydov and Constantine Peresypkin at OpenStack Summit [2013-04]

“Big Data on OpenStack”

Camuel Gilydov at OpenStack Isreal [2012-06]

“Containers or VMs: Which Virtualization Technology Works for You?”

Panel discussion with ZeroVM, Docker, and VMWare at while42 meetup [2014-03-04]