Cody Bunch Some Random IT Guy - OpenStack, DevOps, Cloud, Things

Seti@Home with Docker on Raspberry Pi

A little while back Tim from CERN commented related to my HomeLab. Specifically he was wanting me to run LHC@Home workloads. While I promise those are coming, they do not currently support ARM CPU’s. There is an @home citizen science project that does however. Seti. You know, the one that started it all.


To get started with this on docker on rPI you need to do a few things:

Don’t worry about any of the values the first time around, we’re only getting it going enough to get our authenticator code

docker run -d -t --env BOINC_CONFIG_CONTENTS="<account>
</account>" --env -i boinc

Next attach to the container and get your authenticator code:

docker exec -i -t /bin/bash <id of container>
boinccmd --lookup_account <your_email> <your_password>

Copy the authenticator code it gives you, and kill the container:

docker kill <id of container>

Finally restart it with the correct auth code: Science!

docker run -d -t --env BOINC_CONFIG_CONTENTS="<account>
</account>" --env -i boinc

Once done, you can fire up htop and confirm all your CPU’s have maxed out.
