Cody Bunch Some Random IT Guy - OpenStack, DevOps, Cloud, Things

Keystone Credential Migration Error

Credential migration in progress. Cannot perform writes to credential table.

In openstack-ansible versions 15.1.7 and 15.1.8, there is an issue with the version of shade and the keystone db_sync steps not completing properly. This is fixed in 15.1.9, however, if running one afore mentioned releases, the following may help.


Keystone reports 500 error when attempting to operate on the credential table.

You will find something similar to this in the keystone.log file

./keystone.log:2017-10-04 18:54:43.978 13170 ERROR keystone.common.wsgi [req-19551bfb-c4d5-4582-adc0-6edcbe7585a5 84f7baa50ec34454bdb5d6a2254278b3 98186b853beb47a8bcf94cc7f179bf76 - default default] (pymysql.err.InternalError) (1644, u'Credential migration in progress. Cannot perform writes to credential table.') [SQL: u'INSERT INTO credential (id, user_id, project_id, encrypted_blob, type, key_hash, extra) VALUES (%(id)s, %(user_id)s, %(project_id)s, %(encrypted_blob)s, %(type)s, %(key_hash)s, %(extra)s)'] [parameters: {'user_id': u'84f7baa50ec34454bdb5d6a2254278b3', 'extra': '{}', 'key_hash': '8e3a186ac35259d9c5b952201973dda4dfc1eefe', 'encrypted_blob': 'gAAAAABZ1S5zAOe7DBj5-IoOe3ci1C1QzyLcHFRV3vJvoqpWL3qVjG8EQybUaZJN_-n3vFvoR_uIL2-2Ic2Sug9jImAt-XgM0w==', 'project_id': None, 'type': u'cert', 'id': 'ff09de37ad2a4fce97993da17176e288'}]

To validate:

  1. Attach to the keystone container and enter the venv
lxc-attach --name $(lxc-ls -1| grep key)
cd /openstack/venvs/keystone-15.1.7
source bin/activate
source ~/openrc
  1. Attempt to create a credential entry:
openstack credential create admin my-secret-stuff

An unexpected error prevented the server from fulfilling your request. (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-d8814c07-59a6-4a06-80dc-1f46082f0866)

Fix at build time

To fix when building, add shade 1.22.2 to the global-requirements-pins.txt prior to building the environment:

echo "shade==1.22.2" | tee -a /opt/openstack-ansible/global-requirement-pins.txt

scripts/ \
    && scripts/ \
    && scripts/

To fix while running

  • Pin shade to 1.22.2
  • Rerun os-keystone-install.yml
  • keystone-manage db_sync expand, migrate, and contract
  1. Pin shade:
echo "shade==1.22.2" | tee -a /opt/openstack-ansible/global-requirements-pins.txt
  1. Run os-keystone-install.yml
cd /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks
openstack-ansible -vvv os-keystone-install.yml

With shade pinned, the following steps should unlock the credential table in the keystone database:

  1. Attach to the keystone container and enter the venv
lxc-attach --name $(lxc-ls -1| grep key)
cd /openstack/venvs/keystone-15.1.7
source bin/activate
source ~/openrc
  1. Expand the keystone database
keystone-manage db_sync --expand
  1. Migrate the keystone database
keystone-manage db_sync --migrate
  1. Then, contract the keystone database
keystone-manage db_sync --contract

Note: These are the same steps the os_keystone role uses.

  1. After this is done, test credential creation:
openstack credential create admin my-secret-stuff

| Field      | Value                            |
| blob       | my-secret-stuff                  |
| id         | 4d1f2dd232854dd3b52dc0ea2dd2f451 |
| project_id | None                             |
| type       | cert                             |
| user_id    | 187654e532cb43599159c5ea0be84a68 |

Still didn’t work?

  1. Dump the keystone database to a file, then make a backup of said file
lxc-attach --name $(lsc-ls -1 | grep galera)
mysqldump keystone > keystone.orig
cp keystone.orig keystone.edited
  1. Edit the file to remove / add the following
--- edit out this section ---
  IF NEW.encrypted_blob IS NULL THEN
    SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Credential migration in progress. Cannot perform writes to credential table.';
  IF NEW.encrypted_blob IS NOT NULL AND OLD.blob IS NULL THEN
    SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Credential migration in progress. Cannot perform writes to credential table.';
END */;;
--- end edits ---

--- add this to the first line ---
USE keystone;
--- end addition ---
  1. Then apply the changes
mysql < keystone.edited
  1. After this is done, test credential creation:
openstack credential create admin my-secret-stuff

| Field      | Value                            |
| blob       | my-secret-stuff                  |
| id         | 4d1f2dd232854dd3b52dc0ea2dd2f451 |
| project_id | None                             |
| type       | cert                             |
| user_id    | 187654e532cb43599159c5ea0be84a68 |


The following resources were not harmed during the filming of this blog post: