Paris Summit - Day 2
04 Nov 2014Day number 2, Day number 2! He touched the cloud!
#vBrownBag Day 2
Day number 2 had a number of awesome #vBrownBag tech talks, one can find that playlist here.
ZeroVM Sessions
We had a mini track going yesterday afternoon starting at 3:40 with Carina C. Zona kicking it off with “Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick 3”. The 4:40 session right on the heels was a 90minute hands on workshop with ZeroCloud, or that sweet spot where ZeroVM meets OpenStack Swift. The recordings / slides for these are not yet available however. If you would like to try your hands at the workshop, you should be able to with the info from here.
Other notes from Day 2
- ZOMG The food in Paris.
- ZOMG The deserts in Paris.
- If the waiter tells you no, he means it.
- Sausage that says «AAAAA» is not your friend.