.screenrc tricks
22 Feb 2017I’m not a tmux user.
There, I said it. I guess as tmux was becoming the thing to use to have lots of terminals open, I’d moved on to being Admin for a while. Who knows. screen 4lyfe.
With that said, here’s a bit of my screenrc that makes life easier:
# Status bar
hardstatus always # activates window caption
hardstatus string '%{= wk}[ %{k}%H %{k}][%= %{= wk}%?%-Lw%?%{r}(%{r}%n*%f%t%?(%u)%?%{r})%{k}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{k}][%{b} %Y-%m-%d %{k}%c %{k}]'
# Terminal options
term "xterm"
attrcolor b ".I"
# Turn off startup messaage
startup_message off
# Set the OSX term name to the current window
termcapinfo xterm* 'hs:ts=\\E]2;:fs=\\007:ds=\\E]2;screen\\007'
# In case of ssh disconnect or any weirdness, the screen will auto detach
autodetach on
The first line tells the status bar to always display. The second one, tells screen what this status should looklike. In this case, current user, windows with names, and date/time:
[ bunchc ][ 0$ irssi (1*$vagrant) 2$ rbac-testing 3-$ docker-01 ][ 2017-02-22 15:35 ]
The next lines tell screen to:
- Set the term type to xterm for nested ssh
- Use bright colors for bold items
- Turn off the boiler plate when starting
- Set the OSX window title
- Autodetach if ssh breaks
Getting remote hostnames as window names
This is not so much a screen thing as an ssh thing. First pull down this script somewhere local. For me that’s /home/bunchc/scripts
Then add these two lines to your .ssh/config:
# Screen prompts to the remote hostname
Host *
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand /home/bunchc/scripts/screen_ssh.sh
Reloading the config from within screen
Now that you’ve got these settings, reload the screenrc file: ctrl-a : source ~/.screenrc
This post comes about after having collected these settings over a while. I’d love to give credit to all the original authors, finding posts from 2007 - 2009… well.