Cody Bunch Some Random IT Guy - OpenStack, DevOps, Cloud, Things

Seti@home on Raspberry Pi with Kubernetes

In this post we take our Raspberry PI cluster, deploy Kubernetes to it, and then use a deployment set to launch the Boinc client to churn seti@home data.

The cluster

Prep The Cluster

First things first, we need to flash all 8 nodes with the latest hypriot image. We do this using their flash tool, a bash for loop, and some flash card switching:

for i in {1..8}; do flash --hostname node0$i; done

Once you have the cards flashed, install them into your Pi’s and boot them up, we’ve got some more prep to do.

Copy SSH Keys

The first thing to do is enable keybased logins. You’ll be prompted for the password each time. Password: hypriot

for i in {1..8}; do ssh-copy-id pirate@node0$i; done

Run updates

for i in {1..8}; do ssh pirate@node0$i -t 'sudo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get upgrade -qqy --force-yes'

Build the cluster

Here is where the fun starts. On each node, you’re going to want to install Kubernetes as described here.

Fire Up BOINC & Seti@Home

For this I used the kubernetes dashboard, tho the command line would work just as well.

Click create to launch the creation wizard. You’ll see something like this where you can provide a name, image, and number of pods. My settings are captured in the image:

k8s new deployment

Next, we need to open the advanced settings. This is where we specify the environment variables, again captured in the following image:

Environment variables

For reference these are:





Finally, save & deploy it, this’ll take a minute or two.

All done:

all done


In this post, you flashed a bunch of Raspberry Pi’s with Hypriot and built a Kubernetes cluster with them. From there you logged into the dashboard and deployed seti@home.
